Why learn self-defense?
There are several reasons you might want to learn self-defense. The most obvious reason is that you want to be prepared to defend yourself or your family if you’re ever in immediate danger.
It is very rare to run into someone who may want to cause you harm. Having no plan for how to deal with that situation leaves you exceptionally vulnerable. A study conducted by the Department of Justice and the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention revealed that 1 in 6 women had experienced a sexual assault or an attempted sexual assault. For men, the numbers were 1 in 33. For females the numbers presents a greater risk of an assault. Attackers prey onto the weaker sex or unto a victim that appears to be weak in appearance. Attacks varies from male onto female and male onto male. A self Defence martial art should be one that teaches the need to learn an effective way of incorporating appropriate techniques that utilises a variety of defensive methods as attacks vary .
Lets look at this is turn by dissecting a few of the martial arts.
Self Defence Martial Art 95% of Martial Arts systems refer to themselves as self-defence but actually this is quite often mistaken. Martial Arts can be divided into 3 categories: A) Martial Arts, B) Sport, C) Self defence Martial Arts Karate, Kung fu, Aikido, Judo, Japanese Ju Jitsu, Tai Chi, and other forms are referred to as "Arts" because they are not merely combat-techniques but are also an expression of an Eastern "spiritual" philosophy. Bowing, Discipline, Respect, are strong traits in oriental Martial Arts training. This serves a prime purpose to improve the individual not just physically but more importantly mentally. Sport Martial Arts Thai Kickboxing, MMA
Cage fighting, Brazilian Ju Jitsu (BJJ) and other a similar forms of fighting are mostly from a sporting nature. Thai / Kickboxing apply mostly offensive techniques that serves a purpose but to annihilate the attacker without recognition of restraint or control.

MMA (Mix Martial Art) is a no hold bared full contact competition fighting that is brutal in its form. It has gained popularity due to the UFC (Ultimate Fighting Championships) craze in the mid 1990's. It utilises Strikes, throws as well as locks.

MMA simply summed up is an accumulation of fighting arts mostly BJJ, Thai Boxing and Wrestling. Unfortunately in many MMA gyms the students rarely if ever, learn the moral aspects that will ensure the safe and ethical application of the techniques, and this presents a very serious threat to ordinary people. Practitioners do not wear Martial Arts uniform secured by a belt. There are no practice involving weapons defence. Practice and techniques are governed by rules. While Sport Combat is effective it has a life expectancy as individuals do not venture into the sport in their 40s and onwards. Like the majority of fighting sports it requires youth, strength, fitness and flexibility. A fighting form governed by rules waters down its effectiveness when it matters. Brazilian Ju Jitsu (BJJ) (BJJ) Brazilian Ju Jitsu (BJJ) is a Martial Art that has gained popularity in full contact sports most noticeably in the UFC/MMA divisions. Brazilian Ju Jitsu practitioners are quite dominant on the floor ending numerous bouts with either chokes or locks. Due to the MMA craze it has flourish resulting in its belief that all fights end up on the floor and unlike Japanese Ju Jitsu, a huge per cent of its practice emphasis on ground work. While Ju Jitsu is a Martial Art, Brazilian Ju Jitsu would only serve good a huge percentage of its use only onto singular attacks on the floor.

It has minimal or no practice in the use of defence against weapons. Its approach to self-defence leaves numerous believers in doubt as to the practicality in ground fighting when A) Faced against multiple opponents B) Wrestling on hard surface filled possibly with glass, gravel etc. C) Attackers Concealment of a weapon. However the truth remains that learning dominant ground-fighting skills will improve an individuals self defence repertoire Tae Kwon Do Tae kwon Do is a Martial Art and an Olympic Sport that is practice the world over. It place heavily emphasis on kicking techniques that is spectacular. Since its entry into the Seoul Olympics in the 1980s it has gain numerous popularity. However due to its sporting nature its practice on Sparring is hugely govern by tournament and competition rules. The realism of an attack such as a grab neck hold, grappling and ground defence is virtually non-existent in Tae Kwon Do.

Tae Kwon Do were originally use for the Korean Military and recognised as a deadly fighting Martial Art now suffering its true nature as a practical Martial Art and a dominant method of self defence.
Other Striking Systems
Self-defense is about effectively ending an attack, quickly and with minimum injury not just to yourself but also to the attacker. Offensively striking someone in "Self defence may see an individual in greater trouble in the eyes of law than that to the attacker.
Good Self-defence calls at times to be diplomatic, reasoning with the attacker thus not having thrown a single strike.
Fighting with an individual as using self defence is seen at many times to be operating on the same selfish motives as the assailant.
The majority of the Martial Arts are based purely on striking systems and while this is advantageous to the trained martial artist, a severe strike to an assailant in self defence may see the defendant serving a prison term rather than the attacker.
Krav Maga
Numerous systems claim to be based purely on Self defence such as Krav Maga
These systems refer themselves as non Martial Art.

Their Purpose is to train the practitioner purely in the defence of a confrontation using dirty street fighting tactics utilising an array of Jiu Jitsu, Thai boxing, and other methods. While students of such methods will learn some form of useful defence, absent from such methods and systems are katas, Sets, Patterns and generally Martial Arts etiquette, moral aspects and philosophy. Krav Maga use the moto break all the rules by using no rules'. While such systems do have essential knowledge on various attacking and defensive forms due to the incorporated and random techniques into their training regime students do not master anything. Techniques that are not mastered are said to be not learned at all. ShinKen JuJutsu ShinKen-Do / ShinKenJuJutsu is viewed as Self Defence Martial Arts practitioners. The ability to defend oneself whilst in the process of avoiding injury not just to oneself but also to the assailant. Techniques are non sport. Fighting is believed that both individuals are operating in the same motive and selfish reasons so the need to emphasis aspects of restraints and control both physically and mentality is a must in training.

Through thorough study ShinKen JuJutsu practitioners acquire the firstly mental skill knowing that the physical is secondary. Training is not just learning quick self defence moves. It is not a sport that incorporates techniques from various background, nor its practitioners are blinded to the thinking that reality fighting ends up on the ground. ShinKen-Do is self defence and life skills. It’s a Martial Arts philosophy, a way of life, creating respect, improving ones character through discipline, obedience, integrity and friendship. Polishing the character thus creating a better society to live in. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Benefits of Learning A True Martial Art No attack is ever the victim’s fault and not all attacks are preventable. But we do know that learning the art of self-defense can help victims to stop or escape their attackers.
Rape is only one of the situations where someone would need self-defense training. A mugging or home invasion are both situations where self-defense training would help you to better tackle the danger, defend yourself and your family, and find ways to minimize the damage the perpetrator poses.
It is about learning how to defend yourself and think clearly in very intense situations. It is about gaining the confidence to better control situations that might otherwise be completely outside of your control.
1. Excellent for Women
Women and young girls for several reasons can benefit from Martial Arts. It improves confidence. Also, it helps them to level the playing field against an attacker who may be much larger than they are. It is also advantageous for any woman who would like a physical, hands-on workout.
2. Excellent for men
Men can benefit from this training for all of the same reasons as women. The training regimen compliments any other athletic activity and is a great well-rounded workout.
3. Confidence
Martial Art Self-defense gives you the tools and skills you need to confidently assess a dangerous situation and navigate effectively. There is nothing more empowering than that. It helps you to gain confidence and control over your fears and confidence is like a superpower itself.
4. Improve Focus
Martial Arts Self-defense improves your focus and concentration. As a result, it teaches you to focus in stressful situations.
5. Develop Skills
It gives you the ability to learn basic moves and more intricate skills to defend yourself during an attack. To know how to defend yourself can help you feel less anxious in public, or fearful when walking alone in the night
6. Physical Health
Martial Arts offers fun and powerful way to train the body, burn calories, and improve physical health. Exercise also helps to improve your mood, helping people who are struggling with depression and other issues.
7. Street awareness
Martial Arts self defence will enhance your awareness of your surroundings. You never know when it might happen; No one plans to be attacked, so we must always be on the lookout of our surroundings.
8 Learning something new
As it is said that “A learning curve is essential for growth”. We should not miss a chance to learn something new in life. In the end, it all comes down on perspective and your willingness to learn something new. By learning new things you tend to revolve around encouraging your successes and accepting your defeats as in today’s world both are important to engage in a healthy lifestyle.
9. Overall fitness and Toned muscles
One must be both physically and emotionally prepared for an attack. By learning Martial Arts self-defense, you will maintain your muscle and endurance through practicing along with other exercise activities. Thus improving your overall fitness will improve.
10. Balance
Improving balance not only includes the physical balance of your core muscles but also a mental balance for improving your focus. Martial Arts teaches you how to focus on your target while you control your body. Not having balance, it is almost impossible to fight. Body control and balance help in protecting ourselves mentally and physically.
11. Self-discipline
It is necessary to develop self-discipline and stay dedicated to the practice. You will develop theses over some time.
12. Fighter’s reflex
Movement is the key element if you get into a fight. You just cannot stand around and wait for your attacker’s next strike; moving and instinctual reactions are very important. It will help develop your reflexes and will help you gain a fighter’s reflex, thus allowing you to move quickly and strategically in such a situation.
13. Social skills
Martial Arts helps to develop your social skills. Yt teaches the discipline of honouring your elders, showing respect, and the tolerance of others. Thus by developing these social skills, you would bring about a positive outlook for your point of view. Additionally, it also helps to bring peace and balance in your attitude.